Speaking with NIPNA, Khodadadi emphasized the strategic importance of
investing in and expanding downstream petrochemical industries to enhance value
creation and drive broader economic benefits.
“The petrochemical sector plays a pivotal role in generating
value-added products and supporting economic growth,” she stated. “It is one of
the fundamental industries in the country, contributing significantly to
economic prosperity, sustainable development, and the localization of advanced
Transition from Raw Material Sales to Value-Added Production
Khodadadi highlighted the necessity for the industry to shift from raw
material exports toward high-value product manufacturing. “To improve the
current situation, gain effective market presence, and promote entrepreneurship
and job creation, we must prioritize converting raw materials into value-added
final products,” she noted.
She praised the National Petrochemical Company’s policy shift towards
producing high-value goods and stressed the need to complete the value chain to
reduce raw material sales.
Accelerating Industry Development
Khodadadi asserted that addressing challenges in ongoing projects and
completing semi-finished developments will accelerate the industry's progress.
“The petrochemical sector is profitable and vital for the country's economy,”
she added, expressing optimism for an expanded presence in both regional and
global markets.
“The goal is to maintain and enhance Iran’s standing in the global
petrochemical industry, leveraging our abundant resources and technological
capabilities,” Khodadadi concluded.