Paknejad explained that, on the last day of July this year, the
Administrative and Recruitment Organization sent a letter to the Ministry of
Oil, stating that, based on Article 105 of the 7th Progress Plan, the
activities of the Oil Industry University should be aligned with the Ministry
of Science, Research, and Technology. This led to concerns among faculty
members, students, and the broader oil industry community.
However, following the emphasis by Dr. Aref, the first vice president,
to preserve and strengthen the Oil Industry University in a recent meeting of
the Ministry of Oil's deputy council, discussions with the Administrative and
Recruitment Organization resulted in favorable outcomes.
Paknejad expressed his joy over the agreement reached, confirming that
the university will continue to be part of the Ministry of Oil, with its
structure and educational framework being revamped to better serve the oil
industry's needs. He also thanked the Administrative and Recruitment
Organization, members of Parliament, and other oil sector managers for their cooperation
in this matter. Paknejad concluded by expressing his hope that the university
will continue to contribute significantly to the oil industry and serve the
people of Iran through enhanced efforts.